Thrift flips

Thrift flips

“In total, Brits have sent clothing worth a potential £958,611,987 to landfill”* and that is just from 2020 lockdown clearouts. It’s easy to think that one person can’t have a huge impact, but when there are millions thinking that they are the one, it becomes a...
Where to look before buying new

Where to look before buying new

Before you head over to places like H&M or ASOS to buy a cheap piece of clothing that will only be worn for two events max, take a moment to see if you can find a more sustainable option. In total, up to 85% of textiles go into landfill each year. That’s enough to...
Why should I start swapping?

Why should I start swapping?

The problem that comes with these trends is that they fade just as quickly as they arrive, and usually, the clothes are not made to last. They may be affordable and cute for a few months, but when you take a moment to consider how many times they will be worn before...