The Great Christmas Jumper Swap

The Great Christmas Jumper Swap

Spooky season is over, Michael Bublé is beginning to defrost, and mince pies are filling the shelves. There are so many reasons to love Christmas; the food, the festive spirit, getting together with all your loved ones, but it’s not all merry and bright. We are...
How To Host a Swap Party

How To Host a Swap Party

Autumn is here, and we’ve no doubt that you’re staring at the autumn clothes that have been collecting dust over the summer, itching for a good sort out. But before you bundle everything into bin bags and haul it off to the local charity shop, we hate to burst your...
The Anxiety-Free Guide To Swapping

The Anxiety-Free Guide To Swapping

So, you’ve taken the plunge into sustainable fashion and swapping by downloading Bandi. Firstly, congrats to you! Sometimes, the first step is the hardest, and we’re so happy you’ve started your swapping journey with us. We want swapping to be as easy and anxiety-free...
The Bandi Beach Guide

The Bandi Beach Guide

We’ve all been dreaming of sunny beach days, and now summer is here we’re getting ever closer to relaxing on gorgeous beaches and switching off. But with millions of tourists flocking to our seaside every year, we need to make sure we’re taking care of our coastal...
Why We Still Need To Talk About Plastic Pollution

Why We Still Need To Talk About Plastic Pollution

Happy World Oceans Day! The ocean is a pretty amazing place, and with about 71% of the earth’s surface being covered in water, it’s also one of the most important ones. It provides livelihoods, food, and water and is one of the most biodiverse habitats you can find...
Bandi on ITV This Morning!

Bandi on ITV This Morning!

“The Future of Fashion” ITV This Morning, on Bandi App Here’s the lowdown As most of you have probably heard, Love Island has announced that they will be partnering with eBay this year. Why is this a big deal? Love Island, a show watched by millions...