For people who love
fashion and love the

tons of clothes-related waste we discard every year.

a garbage truck full of clothes either incinerated or sent to the landfill every second.

enough to fill three and a half of the London Shard buildings everyday.

Making it easier to say No.
We cannot sustain the current landscape of the fast fashion industry. The overproduction of clothes causes the fashion industry to be one of the most wasteful in the world. When you make a swap with Bandi, you’re preventing your clothes from joining the 85% of textiles that go to waste every year.
Making fashion guilt-free.
At Bandi, we understand the joy people find in shopping, so we wanted to make sure clothes swapping feels just as fun! By giving consumers the chance to swap clothes instead of buying new, we help them reduce their carbon footprint, and take care of the planet.

Our Approach
Sustainability is at the heart of Bandi, but we understand that we live in an imperfect world. Not everyone, ourselves included, can be consistently as sustainable as we would like to be. We can however act with good intentions and celebrate when we get things right. We do not hide our mistakes, instead, we share what we’ve learnt and look to improve ourselves, time and time again.
The creation of Bandi stemmed from our desire to do our part in combating climate change. We understand that to make progress you have to introduce people to different ideas and perspectives, that’s why we encourage knowledge sharing within our community and provide them with the information they need to make sustainable choices in their lives.
We’re not just about clothes. Bandi is a place where people want to connect. From finding your “fashion twin” who shares the same aesthetic and fit, to belonging to a community that shares your values – we’re bringing together an eco-aware generation by empowering those around you.
Help us slow down fast fashion.