How To Host a Swap Party
By: Hope Titley
Ready to be the hostess with the mostest? 

Autumn is here, and we’ve no doubt that you’re staring at the autumn clothes that have been collecting dust over the summer, itching for a good sort out.

But before you bundle everything into bin bags and haul it off to the local charity shop, we hate to burst your bubble, but while donating everything might seem like a great idea, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. A lot of your donations will actually find their way into landfill or are exported overseas, where they pollute the global south if they aren’t resold or repurposed.

But it’s not all doom and gloom! Selling your secondhand clothes is a great way of ensuring that they end up loved, or, you could swap them, and we’ve got an idea we think you’ll like.

If there’s one thing we all love, it’s a good party. You can invite your friends, have a few drinks and boogie to cheesy 00s hits. So why not combine two of our fave things, parties and swapping, to host a swap party that’ll sort out all your slow fashion needs for the new season?

Gather your clothes ?

All those clothes you no longer love? They’re about to find their way into the right wardrobes. Autumn is the perfect time to host a swap party, as this transitional season means people are constantly changing their wardrobes in search of something to wear. So bring all your odd bits and bobs, as you never know what might be someone’s dream piece. (Yes, even the beret you bought after binging Emily in Paris last year).

Gather your friends ?

Group chats at the ready. Text your friends, have them text their friends and so on until you have a parties-worth of people who all have clothes that they no longer love and are happy to swap. Decide on a date and location that works for everyone, and you’ve got the beginnings of your swap party!

Bring the vibes ?

What’s a party without a good vibe? Get everyone to bring some snacks and their drink of choice, and crank up the music to create a fun atmosphere. Then, it’s up to you how you want to set up the party. You can make it formal with clothes racks and tickets, or you can go wild and just throw everything in a pile on the floor. There’s no perfect solution, it’s just whatever suits your group best.

Get swapping ♻️

Now the REAL fun part begins. Take your time to explore all the clothes on offer and ask yourself, “Do I really love this?” before hanging onto it for a swap. One of the best things about an in-person swap party is being able to try clothes on, so (if everyone’s comfortable) go for it! You’ll know instantly if it’s for you. Once you’ve collected the pieces you love, it’s time to agree on the swaps. Talk to your friends, check they’re happy with their swaps and make sure you get the OK before running off with your new sustainable clothes!

What if there’s clothes left over? ?

Inevitably, there are going to be some stragglers that didn’t quite make the cut. Upload these pieces to Bandi and widen your swapping circle, as – with around 5,000 people using the app –  the right person will be out there somewhere, we can feel it.

If you do host a swap party – let us know how it went! DM us on Instagram, as we want to hear all about it.